Friday, January 25, 2008
Company and Stuff
It was so nice on Monday to have my aunt and uncle from Missouri here to visit. They got here around 11 am, and stayed the night with us. They were on their way to Florida to visit with my dad and stepmother. I think they really enjoyed watching our younger two play. My uncle said, "Kids just don't play like that anymore." The twins got an inexpensive (relatively speaking) video camera for Christmas, and have had more fun recording all their many escapades outside. On Monday, they were videoing our neighbor boy going down several of the hills in our area (not on roads) in a wagon (that's as close to sledding as southern children get). It looked a little dangerous to me, but, hey, it wasn't my kids in the wagon (kidding). Actually, A. and M. did go down a few times, but I made them wear a helmet. Anyway, the kids had a great time showing their great-aunt and uncle all the videos they had made that day. I made Pioneer Woman's Lasagna and a yummy apple pie. I know the pie was a hit, but I'm sure my aunt didn't care for the lasagna! I was sitting there thinking, "Yum, this is so good." (I'm on Weight Watchers, so I hadn't eaten like that in 2 weeks!) And she was barely eating it. I hate that I didn't make something she enjoyed--I know she liked my pie though! :) Now, onto another subject: K. is having a rough time with her knees right now. She has actually been pretty stressed out about the whole thing. She will be having an MRI today to try to determine what is going on. I don't think I've ever written about it before, but she has been having knee pain for nearly 3 years. We have been to the doctor, and been to the doctor, AND BEEN TO THE DOCTOR, only to hear that it's patellar tendinitis, or she just grew too fast, etc. She's been through physical therapy a couple times as well. Anyway, her knees have really acted up lately--I think because of basketball practice, so we decided to quit letting the doctor on base blow us off, and told them we wanted to see a specialist in town. They agreed, and the civilian doctor thinks she has something called Osgood-Schlatter disease--which is what I thought it was 2 years ago. Anyway, the MRI should determine what is going on, and we will see the doctor on the 29th to hear the results. I'm just praying for answers. If it is Osgood-Schlatter's--which is not serious, there is no cure--she has to outgrow it--usually by the age of 18, but there are some things she can do to ease the pain. Needless to say, we are all anxiously awaiting the 29th of January. She's most worried about not being able to play basketball again. That's the irony of Osgood-Schlatter disease--it most often strikes the most active children--and they sometimes have to stop being so active--until the 'disease' resolves. Your prayers are coveted!

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  posted at 6:58 AM  

At January 25, 2008 3:38 PM, Blogger Annie said...

I sure hope her knee gets better and that the results are good!
Have a great weekend!
btw... got the treadmill last night! I bought it from Julie. It had to travel from Dallas... but I got on it today and think it's going to be great!
How's ww going?

At January 25, 2008 9:45 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

Definitely sending some prayers for the dr appt on the 29th and that K will get some answers; how frustrating to have this knee pain for 3 yrs!

At January 28, 2008 11:36 AM, Blogger Judi said...

Man, that stinks. I will be sending up lots of prayers. I know you will get the answers you need. :)

At January 29, 2008 11:13 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

I've been thinking about K alot since we talked on Sat. morning. I hope you get some answers today.


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