Thursday, February 22, 2007
Homemaking Meme
Homemaking Meme
The A-B-C's of Homemaking
- Aprons- Y/N? - I do not own one but it would probably be a good idea. I'm messy!
- Baking- Can take it or leave it--my daughter usually does it now!
- Clothesline- Y/N? No--my sister still uses one.
- Donuts- Ever made them? - I have- a long time ago--I still prefer Krispy Kreme.
- Everyday- One homemaking thing you do everyday? - Pick up, pick up, pick up--can't stand clutter!
- Freezer- Do you have a separate deep freezer? - Yes. And an extra refrigerator in the garage. My husband is a hunter and that's where we put all the meat that we never eat.
- Garbage Disposal- Y/N? - Yes. I once lived without one and wouldn't care to do that again!
- Handbook- Y/N? - Yes, I think I have one somewhere...
- Ironing- Yes, but usually just on Sunday morning before church. I use the dry cleaner for hubby's dress clothes.
- Junk Drawer- Where is it? - Yes, I have one and it's messy right now. Ugh!
- Kitchen- Design and decorating? - Tile floor, white cabinets, walls painted a brownish yellow called "cork", and red monkey print curtains. Formica (wish they were granite) countertops.
- Love- What is your favorite part of homemaking? - Hmmm.. I like creating a place of refuge for my family...not cleaning toilets!
- Mop- Y/N? - Yes, once a week--always on Tuesday!
- Nylons- Wash by hand or in the washer? - Can't remember the last time I wore those!
- Oven- Do you use the window or open it to check? - Open it.
- Pizza- What do you put on yours? - Pepperoni or Sausage with mushrooms, green peppers and sometimes, onions!
- Quiet- What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment? - Read blogs, read.
- Recipe card box- Y/N? - Nope, don't have a box but I have a recipe book that I have copied all my favorites into.
- Style of house - Don't know--I think Farm-house. It's two story with a porch all across the front.
- Tablecloths and napkins- Y/N? - I use cloth napkins and sometimes place-mats.
- Under the kitchen sink - trash-bags, sponges, dish detergent, vases, and straws!
- Vacuum- How many times a week? - Once.
- Wash- How many loads do you do a week? I'm guessing 10--on Monday's.
- X's- Do you keep a list of things to do and cross them off? - Yes, and I have a hard time going to bed with something left on the list.
- Yard- Who does what? - My husband does the mowing and weed-eating and leave raking. My kids do the flower-bed weeding and bag the leaves. I plant any flowers that I want planted--not usually very many!
- ZZZ's- What is your last homemaking task for the day? - Make sure the doors are locked and run the dishwasher.
That was fun--play along if you want!
Labels: Meme
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