Monday, August 13, 2007
A Lesson in Personality
I have a ridiculous interest in the Four Personalities. I have been completely intrigued by the study of them for years, so I thought I would give just a little mini-lesson. Annie mentioned to me the other day that they were studying them at her new church and that sparked a little "behind the scenes" conversation between the two of us. I had fun guessing her personality. Maybe you'll have fun figuring out which of the 4 personalities you are. The descriptions I am writing are reflective of women with these personalities. Not every person is going to exhibit each one of the strengths or weaknesses in her category. This is because we are all at different maturity and spiritual levels. The goal is to develop the strengths and to prayerfully rid yourself of the weaknesses. Read the list and see which one of them describes you and let me know. You can even guess which one you think I am--even if you know me in real life and already know. I'm about 60 percent of one and 40 percent of the other (everyone has a secondary personality as well), though, so it could be a little hard to tell my primary personality type.
- Phlegmatic (Peaceful) (introvert)- lives to take life easy and live in peace. Strengths: Comforting, Thoughtful, Attentive, Loyal, Peacemaker, Dependable, Protective, Takes time for the children, Patient, Faithful, Devoted Caregiver. Weaknesses: Unenthusiastic, Uninvolved, Fearful, Sluggish, Compromising, Enabler.
- Melancholy (Perfect) (introvert)-lives to bring perfection to an imperfect world. Strengths: Meticulous housekeeper, organized, perfectly groomed, wonderful hostess, detail oriented, thoughtful, frugal, careful decision maker, gifted, sophisticated. Weaknesses: Perfectionist (which they usually have a hard time seeing as a fault), unpopular, rigid, prone to the blues, unforgiving, cheapskate.
- Sanguine (Popular) (extrovert)-likes to have fun and be loved. Strengths: Popular, talkative, life of the party, motivator, creative, accepting, optimistic, refreshing. Weaknesses: Permissive, forgetful, unreliable, fussy, messy housekeeper, overwhelming, seems phony.
- Choleric (Powerful) (extrovert)-lives to control as much of their world as possible. Strengths: Take-charge woman, courageous, determined, crusader, productive, open and honest, effective disciplinarian. Weaknesses: unpopular, mean, self-centered, uses people, impulsive, bossy, usually right, but often rejected.
Labels: All in Your Head
I think I'm mostly the first one! BTW, I've given you an award :)
Thanks, Jenna, for the lesson! I love this kind of stuff - that's why I do the type of ministry work I do (
Hmmm, I'm Choleric first and either melancholy (Dion's primary) or sanguine second.
Now, what are you????
Organising Queen,
Clutter Control Freak and
Marcia's take charge blog
I am Phlegmatic and Melancholy.
I'm guessing you're phlegmatic???
I think I'm a cross between Phlegmatic and Sanguine.
But I wish I was a Melancholy. I long to be a perfectionist.
What are you? I can't guess...
I'm phlegmatic/sanguine.
I'm guessing you're phlegmatic/sanguine too. And that would be a wild guess since I only know you in the blogosphere!
You know what I am.... I actually retook the test online to see if it stayed the same :o) and it was mostly C with S too.
It's fun to guess what people are. I'm glad I already know what you are!
OK, I think I'm sanguine. What do you label me? And, just about when I think I can guess what you are, I don't like the weaknesses that go with that category. So, I think you're one of the first two, and I'm leaning towards one, but I want to know what you say you are.
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