Thursday, August 16, 2007
School Daze
Everyone has been talking about sending their kids off to school this week. I'm going to have to get on that boat, because my kids going to school this year marks such a tremendous change for our household. K has only attended school for K4 and 3rd grade--both years were at the school she is going to this year for 10th grade. The twins have never been before and just entered 5th grade. I felt a little like it must feel when a mom drops off her child for kindergarten. I was sad when I pulled up to the school. It didn't even occur to me to cry the first or second day, but by Wednesday afternoon, I thought maybe a few tears wouldn't hurt. I never did cry, but, let me just say, that adjusting to my new normal isn't as easy as I thought it would be. I knew I would miss them, but I wasn't quite ready for the quietness that is my house right now. The creaks of this house, that I would otherwise not hear because of their constant chatter, have even spooked me a couple times. Sad, but true. But, I am so glad that the kids seem to be learning what it is to be a school student, and they are starting to make some friends. (They already knew a lot of people there.) They like their teachers, and they aren't complaining about their homework either--even the night it took A an hour and a half to do his work. He just got up from the table and said, "Well, that wasn't so bad.", and took off to play. And no one asked if they could stay home from school until today!!! :)
Labels: Family
It's great that they are adjusting so well, that's quite a transition. And, quite a transition for you too!
Awww, I bet it is a big adjustment for you. I'm glad they like their teachers and seem to be doing well.
Isn't it nice that sometimes our kids adjust better than we do? What does that say about us anyways?
I bet it was a big adjustment! I could not imagine being here alone. It would be so weird! I'm glad they are liking their teachers and I'm sure they'll do just fine adjusting!
I have two hours in the house without kids while Izzy is in school. It is weird. So quiet. I usually find some errand to run or something to do. I am not a cryer either, but I know what you mean.
So, who wanted to stay home today? Did you let them?
Inquiring minds and all...
I'm so glad that the kids are adjusting well to school!
You know, I'm in town at least 3 days a week and would LOVE to "do lunch" with you!!:)
That's great.Glad they are enjoying their new school life.
Oh, I bet it is quiet...and clean.
Not that your house wasn't clean before, I mean that mine isn't with kiddos here all day. School somehow makes it look like such a MESS! : )
I've been thinking about you during my school time at home. :)
Have you talked to Mandalyn about tomorrow night at my house? We're up for it if all y'all are! Even if we do have to get started late!
I can imagine that it would be a big adjustment, glad they are handling it ok now. Hope it gets easier for you! I bet it will in time. I always enjoyed mine being home during the summer but there were days it was nice when it was quiet here.
I'm sure that is a big adjustment to go from homeschooling to sending them to school - and I can just imagine how quite the house must be for you now! Allow yourself a few tears and time to adjust! Glad to hear the kids seem to be adjusting well!
Just guessing A is the one who wanted to stay home since he's not quite the extrovert that the other 2 are. Although I can totally see M saying that. K is probably totally loving the social aspects of school. Glad they're liking it. You'll come to love your time, too.
It sure give great peace of mind knowing that your children are adjusting!!
I'm so glad that they like their new teachers....and it sounds like they are off to a good start!!!
I am sure it was a big adjustment. I was sad when Olivia went to kindergarten. But every year after that I have looked forward to it! I hope that doesn't make me sound like a horrible mom!
BTW, thanks for the sweet card. :O)
Glad things are going well...if you need to cry, go ahead. It's OK. I appreciate you stopping by my blog for my anniversary post and your well wishes.
:-) Susan
Hey Jenna,
Your sentiments were sweet about back when your twins were babies. It is going fast.
It must be strange to be home all day alone...maybe by the end of the year, you'll enjoy the peace. I can't relate...ha ha.
You are such a loving mom.
Have a nice weekend!
Great to hear they like school, and I hope that you continue to transition into the quietness of home.
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