Tuesday, February 27, 2007
This Was Informative and Oh So Important...!
LogoThere are: 659 people with my name in the U.S.A.
How many have your name?


  posted at 4:17 PM  

Don't you hate it when...
you get your tax refund back and the majority of it goes to pay off the credit card and next year's school tuition? Thankfully, we are holding out enough to go to Gatlinburg in May! Now that is something to look forward to! I know you are supposed to fix your taxes so that you don't get much back--but I can't help lovin' me a little chunk a money come spring-time! Have a great day! *I was going to add a nice little picture of the Smoky Mountains and blogger wouldn't let me :(


  posted at 8:20 AM  

Monday, February 26, 2007
Menu Plan Monday
What a lovely new banner for us to use! This will be an un-detailed, simple, and tentative menu as I am not feeling so hot today!

Hope everyone has a great week. For more great menu's head to Laura's!

Oh--if you have a prayer need this week please let me know or go visit the Prayer Room!


  posted at 9:37 AM  

Friday, February 23, 2007
Our Home in Springtime


  posted at 11:42 AM  

This Week's Reflection
We have had such a great week and the weekend looks like it will be wonderful--well, except for that nasty squall line that is due to pass through here late Saturday! Here's a re-cap: (I'm trying to type and listen to Randy Travis sing, "Deeper Than the Holler" and it's really not going well...Hold on--got to turn it OFF! I do love me some Randy Travis.)

Have a great weekend y'all!

Oh, and go see Bridge to Terebithia --and if you see Amazing Grace, let me know how it is! Sounds wonderful!


  posted at 11:18 AM  

Thursday, February 22, 2007
Homemaking Meme
Homemaking Meme The A-B-C's of Homemaking
  1. Aprons- Y/N? - I do not own one but it would probably be a good idea. I'm messy!
  2. Baking- Can take it or leave it--my daughter usually does it now!
  3. Clothesline- Y/N? No--my sister still uses one.
  4. Donuts- Ever made them? - I have- a long time ago--I still prefer Krispy Kreme.
  5. Everyday- One homemaking thing you do everyday? - Pick up, pick up, pick up--can't stand clutter!
  6. Freezer- Do you have a separate deep freezer? - Yes. And an extra refrigerator in the garage. My husband is a hunter and that's where we put all the meat that we never eat.
  7. Garbage Disposal- Y/N? - Yes. I once lived without one and wouldn't care to do that again!
  8. Handbook- Y/N? - Yes, I think I have one somewhere...
  9. Ironing- Yes, but usually just on Sunday morning before church. I use the dry cleaner for hubby's dress clothes.
  10. Junk Drawer- Where is it? - Yes, I have one and it's messy right now. Ugh!
  11. Kitchen- Design and decorating? - Tile floor, white cabinets, walls painted a brownish yellow called "cork", and red monkey print curtains. Formica (wish they were granite) countertops.
  12. Love- What is your favorite part of homemaking? - Hmmm.. I like creating a place of refuge for my family...not cleaning toilets!
  13. Mop- Y/N? - Yes, once a week--always on Tuesday!
  14. Nylons- Wash by hand or in the washer? - Can't remember the last time I wore those!
  15. Oven- Do you use the window or open it to check? - Open it.
  16. Pizza- What do you put on yours? - Pepperoni or Sausage with mushrooms, green peppers and sometimes, onions!
  17. Quiet- What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment? - Read blogs, read.
  18. Recipe card box- Y/N? - Nope, don't have a box but I have a recipe book that I have copied all my favorites into.
  19. Style of house - Don't know--I think Farm-house. It's two story with a porch all across the front.
  20. Tablecloths and napkins- Y/N? - I use cloth napkins and sometimes place-mats.
  21. Under the kitchen sink - trash-bags, sponges, dish detergent, vases, and straws!
  22. Vacuum- How many times a week? - Once.
  23. Wash- How many loads do you do a week? I'm guessing 10--on Monday's.
  24. X's- Do you keep a list of things to do and cross them off? - Yes, and I have a hard time going to bed with something left on the list.
  25. Yard- Who does what? - My husband does the mowing and weed-eating and leave raking. My kids do the flower-bed weeding and bag the leaves. I plant any flowers that I want planted--not usually very many!
  26. ZZZ's- What is your last homemaking task for the day? - Make sure the doors are locked and run the dishwasher.

That was fun--play along if you want!


  posted at 4:39 PM  

Thankful Meme
My friend, Annie, tagged me for this Thankful Meme. The idea is to write about three things you are thankful for! My first tag! How exciting! OK--here it goes:
  1. I will start the same as Annie--I am thankful for my family, first of all my husband. B. is the most amazing person I know. If you want something done and want it done right--he is your man. If you need someone to listen--he's your man. If you are in the hospital and need someone to visit--he's your man. If you are moving and need help--he's your man. If you need someone to coach a basketball team, he's your man. If you need someone to be a basketball referee, he's your man. If you need someone to play a part in the YMCA drama, he's your man. If you need someone to fly AF airplanes, he's your man--'cause he's the best! If you need someone to call you just to check on you, he's your man. If you need prayer, he's your man... Sound busy? He is, but he still manages to be an excellent, involved father and husband. I only whine occasionally (like last night) about his commitments! I am so blessed to have him--he's my man!
  2. My children give me more pleasure than I have ever known. K. gave me the joy of being a mother for the first time--it was thrilling and terrifying all at the same time. She is nearly 15 and is very much like her father. Not only does she look like him but she has many of his personality characteristics--including the "being there" ones. There have been many times when I have come home from town dreading all the work waiting for me and found that my daughter has already done it for me. Does a mom's heart good! I will miss her at school next year. A. and M. were blessings beyond all blessings. B. and I had just experienced the birth of our still-birth daughter, Kassidy, the year before and we were hurting. I remember thinking that getting pregnant again would be the only way I would heal. I even asked the Lord to give me twins and then I would have three children for three pregnancies. The Lord is faithful ,and even so, I was shocked to see two babies on the sonogram screen. The biggest "YES" that God has ever given me. M. is and has always been my sunshine--she lights up a place---ask anyone. A. is more compassionate and caring and cautious than anyone. He is a rock and I am proud of him.
  3. The third thing I am thankful for is my health. My mom died of cancer 20 years ago. I am approaching the age my mom was when she passed away and it makes me so aware of what a blessing good health is. There are people all around--I've been reading a few blogs written by or for very sick people --who are hurting--dying--and still trusting God. I feel so much for them--pray for them. Thank you Lord for your blessings on me!

Well, that was easy. Let's see--I don't know many people in the blogosphere--but I will tag- Amberly and Babystepper and anyone else that wants to!


  posted at 8:44 AM  

Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Bible Quiz
You know the Bible 98%!

Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic! Ultimate Bible Quiz Create MySpace Quizzes

This was a fun little quiz to take--I don't know which ones I missed--wish I did!

Have fun!


  posted at 4:50 PM  

My Friend, "Blair"
Back in October, I had the privilege of visiting with my cousin in Missouri. I had a very specific reason for driving all the way up there--Lisa Welchel was in town. So--even though it means showing a picture of myself--I am posting my picture with Lisa. I just love her. When I found out she was a Christian AND a home-schooler, I was so intrigued. I have read all her books and read her website every week for years! I just know that if we really knew each other, we would be friends. I envy Sarah at In The Midst of It and DeeDee at It Coulda' Been Worse because they actually really get to call her friend! Do we look like we could be sisters? Maybe, a little?


  posted at 9:48 AM  

The Tuxedo
I am really not a bad photographer--I PURPOSELY didn't get his face. He wouldn't have minded since he can be seen on another website regularly--but I kept it private anyway. We had such a fun time at the "Oscar's" and my hubby did a wonderful job singing Frank Sinatra songs--yes, while wearing camoflauge!


  posted at 9:42 AM  

Monday, February 19, 2007
Menu Plan Monday #3
*revision in Chicken Broccoli recipe
We had a great weekend and a couple of invitations for a meal out or at someones house so we have some left-overs from last week's menu! I love it when that happens! So, here is the plan for this week--tentatively, of course! I have posted the recipe's for Chicken and Broccoli Casserole and the Meatloaf below. I get requests for these recipe's often. Hope you enjoy!
Thank you to Laura for hosting Menu Plan Monday. Go see her for more menus!

Chicken and Broccoli Casserole

1 10 oz. pkg frozen broccoli ( I use fresh or just frozen florets a lot)

4 cups chopped cooked chicken

1 10 3/4 oz. can cream of chicken or celery soup ( I prefer celery)

1/2 cup Mayo.

1/4 teaspoon curry (use a little more if you like it--this is mild)

1/2 cup Parmesan

*salt and pepper to taste

Cook Broccoli according to package directions. Drain Broccoli and spread it in a 9x13 dish. mix chicken, soup, mayo, curry, and Parmesan in a medium bowl. Spread chicken mixture over broccoli. Bake 350 for 30 minutes covered, 10 minutes uncovered. Serve over rice. This is so very good!

Li'l Cheddar Meatloaves (Southern Living)

1 egg

3/4 cup milk

1 cup Cheddar cheese

1/2 cup oat meal

1/2 cup onion, chopped

1 teaspoon salt

1 lb. ground beef

2/3 cup ketchup (for sauce)

1/2 cup brown sugar (for sauce)

1 1/2 teaspoon yellow mustard (for sauce)

-Beat egg and milk. Stir in cheese, oats, onion and salt. Add beef and mix well. Shape into 6 loafs. Place in greased 9x13 pan. Combine ketchup, brown sugar, and mustard in a separate bowl. Spoon over loaves. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes.

Have a great week ya'll and God bless!


  posted at 9:28 AM  

Sunday, February 18, 2007
Duck Hunting
My husband recently took this picture while out duck hunting. I just love the sillhouettes of the ducks and the pretty sunrise! What a talented guy!


  posted at 12:03 PM  

Saturday, February 17, 2007
I started reading through the Bible again this year. The last time I started this, it took me 4 years to finish. Not because I was only studying the Bible every fourth day but because I would stop every time I did a Beth Moore study--and then pick it up again. This time I am DETERMINED to finish it in 1 year. Now I know there are some out there who are doing the Bible in 90 Days and I am highly impressed! 90 DAYS? It took me 4 YEARS to get through it the last time! I am going for a year--whether our church does a Beth Moore study or not. We just finished her study of Daniel a few weeks ago and I have managed to stay on track so far! Anyway, I was reading in Numbers today--Numbers chapter 12 to be exact. And I have a big question-- Can any one of my two or three readers tell me why Miriam was stricken with leprosy for speaking ill of her brother Moses-- and Aaron got off scott-free for the very same thing? What is up with that? Maybe because Aaron was the High Priest-- and not just because he was a man? Hmmm... Sometimes, it is all mystery to me! I am loving the Old Testament though. ( I love Moses too because I am like him in that I am not good at public speaking either).! I am keeping a notebook this time through and I feel like it is really helping me to soak it all up! God is so good and his Word is everlasting and life-changing!! If you're not reading, you should be! *Updated to add: I looked my question up in my commentary--(I was being lazy to ask you!)--it says it was because Miriam was probably the chief instigator and if Aaron had been stricken, it would have been bad for the priesthood.


  posted at 2:57 PM  

Friday, February 16, 2007
The Middle Girl-Child is Sick
Not time for much of a post today. M. woke up very sick. I debated on whether or not to take her to the doctor and when I finally called at 930, the base clinic was booked for the day and couldn't see her. That is pretty typical at our base and I was so flustered. I finally took matters into my own hands and went to a civilian doctor. They were so nice and so concerned. They ran every test under the sun and M. threw up twice while we were there and her fever was 102. I felt so bad for her. They finally decided she didn't have the fl*u, mono, or str*ep but an infection in both ears and a true sinus infection. They gave her a shot of phener*gan and an antibi*otic in her bot*tom--which she was not happy about--and she came home and went to sleep. Bless her heart! Hopefully she will be much better tomorrow!
Now, I have to finish all the stuff I needed to be doing while we were at the Doctor's office--like making 100 napkin rings for our big Oscar party at church tomorrow night! I think I may be up a little late...


  posted at 8:00 PM  

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Thursday 13 #2
Thirteen Things I Must Do Today

1…. Read my Bible and Pray


3....Clean my hardwood floors

4....Vacuum the carpets

5....Study Bible Quiz with the kids

6....Take the kids to Drama and PE at the Y

7....Buy Groceries at the base

8....Go to the bank

9....Help kids with school, especially Math

10...Fix tacos for supper

11...Pick up my copy of "Get Out of that Pit" at the bookstore

12...Call and check on my sick sister and her family

13...Read my blogs!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here! The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


  posted at 8:35 PM  

My Man
Twenty-Five Reasons I Love Him
  1. He makes me laugh --regularly.
  2. He's very handsome (especially when he wears his glasses)!
  3. He has great integrity.
  4. He works hard so I can stay at home.
  5. He loves Jesus.
  6. He is a GREAT dad.
  7. He can sing like nobody's business-next to Elvis, he's my favorite :).
  8. He calls me several times a day just to see what's going on and tell me what he's doing.
  9. He gives hugs when needed; which is often!
  10. If he sees something that needs to be done, he does it--um, except dishes.
  11. He has taken me all over the United States--even Hawaii on our 10th anniversary.
  12. He lets me read in bed, with the light on, while he's trying to sleep--a lot.
  13. He thinks I'm hot--or at the very least, he's a great actor!
  14. He makes sure things get fixed --in a timely manner--the stinky dead possum under the house, for example.
  15. He is always willing to watch the kids.
  16. He cooks breakfast every. single. Sunday morning.
  17. He likes to make things fun for the kids.
  18. He's not afraid to try anything...once.
  19. He's intelligent and sees things clearly.
  20. He is very careful to "bounce" his eyes when something inappropriate comes along.
  21. He sings in the shower-usually "The Star Spangled Banner".
  22. He text messages my daughter on a regular basis--he's getting good at it.
  23. He is protective of me.
  24. He would die for me.
  25. He is this woman's dream come true!


  posted at 9:34 AM  

Happy Day O' Love

I woke up this morning to find these three beautiful valentine's:

Either my kids want something, or I am a very blessed Mom! I hope it's the latter!

Happy Valentine's Day!


  posted at 9:23 AM  

Sunday, February 11, 2007
Menu Plan Monday #2


  posted at 4:39 PM  

Saturday, February 10, 2007
Home Again and Facing the Giants
We are back home from Bible quiz--it is always such a tiring day! We did well and I am so pleased that my children were all in the top 5 in the state! They worked hard for it and I'm so proud! (Forgive my boast) Now we start studying for Regionals! B and K went straight from quizzing to the very last basketball game of the season at the private school my children will be attending next year. I was so worn out, all I could think of was getting in the tub, having some hot chocolate, and reading for awhile. How I ended up here, I will never know! The twins are watching Facing the Giants for the second time today. (We were in the car for 5 hours.) I so love that movie. I have now seen the end of it three times and I cry ( I mean "tears running down my face") every time. I just can't make it through the coach asking each player individually: "Now tell me, what's impossible with God?" and the response of "Nothing, Coach". As a matter of fact, I am Queen of the Cry-Face for the rest of the movie! My husband laughs at me through his own hidden tears. (Don't think I didn't see them--I know these things!) It is such an inspirational movie. We traveled an hour to see it when it came out and I have recommended it so many times. I plan to buy several copies to give as gifts. I realize that some of it seems unrealistic--but I keep reminding myself that, hey, nothing is impossible with God. Isn't that the point of the whole movie? We don't serve a "realistic" God, but instead, The God-- who knows all, sees all, loves all, and can do All! Have a great Sunday!


  posted at 7:32 PM  

Friday, February 9, 2007
Precious Memories

Here is a precious picture of our twins shortly after turning two. How sweet is that? There are so many times, especially lately, when I miss the "littleness" of my children. I miss the way they used to talk and act. Don't get me wrong, I am so proud of how they are growing up. This poor Mama occasionally has a tough time with it and if I am having a hard time now, imagine how I will be when I have an empty nest. Oooh the pain--the agony!

What a blessing my children are. May we always remember it. As we come in to the teen/tween years, may B. and I have wisdom and may our children never stray from the Lord.


  posted at 5:20 PM  

Bible Quiz Weekend

Today we leave for our last regular Bible Quiz match of the season. Bible Quiz has been a big part of our family's life since 2000. The commitment is HUGE, but the rewards are great. I remind myself of that daily! Our kids are required to study 30 minutes a day, 5 days per week, with a parent. I have two kids in Bible quiz so I end up studying with them 5 hours a week. Many times I have wanted to quit but have never felt like I could. There are several reasons: 1.I have never seen anything that keeps parents more accountable than this program. The Bible instructs us to teach our children God's Word and after all the hours I have put in during the past seven years, they had BETTER know God's Word. 2. They get to travel three hours from home, stay in a hotel,hang out with friends, and enjoy a fun activity four times a year. 3. There is usually a great end of the year trip. We have been to Disney, DollyWood, Stone Mountain, the beach, and some other fun places all free of charge to my little quizzers and their daddy--he's a quiz-master. 4. My home-schooled children have had the opportunity to compete and win 1st place at the State and Regional level. 5. My kids have learned how to work hard towards a goal. At the beginning of each match, the quiz-master asks one of the children to pray and invariably a child will pray this prayer: "Dear Lord, help us to remember it's not about winning or losing but about hiding Your Word in our hearts. Amen" That is so sweet and precious and it shows that the parents/leaders have been teaching them the reason for this program. Competition is just a fun part of it--not the main reason for it! I am so proud of my kids and all they have learned and I pray God will bless their hard work this weekend. Take First, babies!


  posted at 9:09 AM  

Thursday, February 8, 2007
Aren't Moms Supposed to Know Everything?
I found this note ,from my son, on the counter the other morning. (Translation: "The tooth fairy is not real. I lost it last night.") In case you can't tell, there is a tooth in the box. Guess he was a little too old to still be believing anyway! The rascal didn't even tell me he lost it--how rude! He ended up losing another tooth the next night and "Ms. ToothFairy" made up for it and gave him double payment for the tooth! What's a mom to do?


  posted at 2:45 PM  

Thursday 13 #1
Thirteen Things about Me

1. I am not so very crazy about mornings

2. I am very crazy about Coke--the real thing.

3. I am the oldest of three girls--and I am very good at it!

4. I am very organized.

5. I am not very spontaneous--but I would like to be.

6. I love Jesus and my husband--in that order.

7. I have twins.

8. I have been to 35 states--including the lovely Hawaii.

9. I have also been to Canada, Mexico, and the Bahama's

10. I am a military wife.

11. My husband flies jets--hmm...that's not really about ME--oh well!

12. I have home-schooled for the past 10 years but we are sending our kids next year.

13. I went to the same school Kindergarten through 12th grade and had 77 in my class.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here! The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


  posted at 10:03 AM  

Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Brace Yourself
Who knew braces cost so much? I never had them. My hubby had them 20 years ago. They were a little cheaper back then! I took K. to the orthodontist yesterday. She has a beautiful smile but her 14 year old self doesn't see it that way. Her teeth really aren't bad--only a slight 'crook'. The not-fun part is that even after our insurance pays 50%, we are still looking at $2.5K! Ugh. My husband and I agree, though, that if it makes her feel better, it will be worth it. Not that she is so insecure--she's not, but she does have typical girl issues! Wish I had had the foresight to start a "braces" fund when the kids were little!


  posted at 8:43 AM  

Tuesday, February 6, 2007
My Friend's Son
I know not many are reading this but if you are, please say a prayer for my friend's son. He's had chemotherapy for the past two years for leukemia. The majority of the time he looks and feels perfectly healthy but he was admitted today to St. Jude's because of a fever-causing virus. His counts are low and this could potentially be serious. We serve a miracle-working God, though, and I know he will heal this 15 year old boy. Thank you!


  posted at 6:46 PM  

"Curve"y Woman
One of my favorite ways to work out is to go to my local Curves. I have been a member there for over a year and I highly recommend it! I lost nearly 25 inches within the first 6 months. I haven't lost anymore since then--you do seem to plateau there--but I keep going in order to keep those inches off. I feel so much better about myself. Right now, I am going twice a week and running/walking three to five days a week. I have noticed such a difference in my state of mind (and the size of my hiney) since I have become a regular exerciser!


  posted at 2:39 PM  

Monday, February 5, 2007
Menu #1

Remove Formatting from selection

Monday- Grilled chicken, broccoli, fried squash, purple hull peas

Tuesday- Spaghetti, garlic toast, salad

Wednesday- Fellowship meal at church

Thursday- Parmesan chicken, roasted potatoes, green beans

Friday- Eat out For more Menu Plan Monday, go here


  posted at 8:28 PM  

There--I've Done It
It only took me forever and a day to finally get this blog started--and I am so glad I did! I am looking forward to writing out this joyful journey of mine to share with those I love and with those who just happen along. I am a SAHM so sometimes my days are filled with what may seem of little importance in the scheme of things but I have chosen to believe the truth that my time at home with my children is the most noble and fulfilling thing I could ever do with my life! I will be back soon to share!

  posted at 2:06 PM  

Sunday, February 4, 2007
What's In a Name?
I wanted to post that I am not using my real first name on this blog, but I am, instead using a variation of my middle name--just for the sake of privacy and security! Thanks for understanding and respecting that (to all those who know my real name)!

post signature


  posted at 3:20 PM  

About Me

Robin Green

My Complete Profile

February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
June 2008
July 2008
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October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
February 2009
November 2010
September 2012

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Blog Ring
Christian Women Online
Blog Ring

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Places I Visit
  • A Chelsea Morning
  • A Coach For Life
  • Antique Mommy
  • Baseballs and Bows
  • Big Blueberry Eyes
  • Big Mama
  • Blessed With Olive Plants
  • Boomama
  • Days to Come
  • Exceedingly Mundane
  • Family Doin's
  • Fruit Inspection
  • Grace and Hope
  • Home Sanctuary
  • In the Midst of It
  • Jenna's Fare
  • Kim's Candor
  • Life At 7000 Feet
  • Lots of Scotts
  • Mo Mhile Gra
  • Moments Amid Messes
  • More Than A Song
  • My Life As Annie
  • One Gals Life in the Raw
  • Raising Five
  • Sweet Tea Please
  • The LPM blog
  • Vader's Mom

  • I'm Reading
    God Is Closer Than You Think
  • The Road to Memphis
  • My Cousin, Rachel

  • Previous Posts
    Sweet Beautiful Girl
    M.'s First Deer--November 2010
    Our Shutterfly Christmas Card for 2010
    The Braces
    Happy New Year
    Things I've Done--or not
    Baby's Got A New Pair of Shoes
    October 17, 2008


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